Saturday, February 29, 2020

夠薑 桔屎 gutsy

很多時候, 聽到香港人說 : 桔屎 相信來自英文的 gutsy.

e.g. The dog is so gutsy that he is fighting with a tiger.



1. has/have the balls (to)..

"(informal, vulgar) If you say that someone has balls, you mean that they have courage".

娘! 土氣 tacky

俗氣, 尤其是指穿着衣服

"The shop sold tacky souvenirs and ornaments". Cambridge Dictionary

"If you wore a bright orange suit to school, with a neon green hat, you'd be dressing in a tacky way".




"of cheap quality or in bad style" Cambridge Dictionary.

"marked by lack of style: dowdy" Merriam Webster Dictionary.

"in bad taste. This usage, as opposed to the physical description, originated in the rural South (of US) but has since been adopted for use nationwide and in urban settings:. Urban dictionary.


灑命 brag/flashy

Upstarts always like to brag about how rich they are.
Upstarts are characterised by their flashy behaviour. 

*Upstarts 暴發戶

(動詞) show off/boast
(形容詞) ostentatious, showy


"To be flashy is to be showy in a tasteless way. Just like a flash of light is hard to ignore, flashy behavior draws attention.

Do you know anyone who is a show-off? That person is probably flashy. Wearing brightly colored rings is flashy. Buying a sports car is flashy. Boasting about how much money you have is flashy. Flashy behavior is the opposite of classy: it consists of showing off things in a loud, obnoxious way".

指指點點 霸道 bossy

e.g. Hong Kong girls are said to be bossy, always ordering their boyfriends to do a lot of things. Do you agree? 


乸型 女人型 sissy


e.g. His friends mock his sissy voice.


1. effeminate

2. womanish


"Sissy is a derogatory name for someone, especially a man or boy, who seems weak or cowardly, or who acts in a stereotypically feminine way"

"informal. an insulting word for a boy or a man who does things that girls or women usually do" Macmillan Dictionary.


寸, 招積 cocky

e.g. Mrs. Lam is cocky ! She is notorious for her cocky statements. 

  • bigheaded
  • arrogant
  • conceited

Friday, February 28, 2020

執生 improvise

e.g. HongKongers are famous for their ability to improvise. 
      In absence of the reports, she decided to improvise her speech at the company meeting.

咬鼻屎 採礦 pick one's nose

e.g. Some old Chinese like to pick their noses in public.


鼻屎 bogey (UK informal)/booger (US informal)
         mucus (formal)

賴屎忽to lick somebody's ass

意思是奉承, 討好, 拍馬屁. 非常粗俗!

e.g. She always likes to lick her boss's ass.

唔知道係巧合, 定還是呢句香港俗語, 在美國港人俗語文化影響到美國 (如果你知道, 來龍去脈 請分享給我們)


"(rude) To flatter, fawn over, or eagerly agree with (someone, especially a person of higher authority) as a means of currying favour. Primarily heard in US" The Free Dictionary

"(vulgar) To flatter someone (especially a superior) in an obsequious manner, and to support their every opinion". Wiktionary

同義詞語:  lick somebody's boots


檫鞋 to flatter

"擦鞋" 一般意思是奉承, 討好, 拍馬屁

e.g. He was flattering his boss in order to keep his job.

名詞 flattery
形容詞 flattering, obsequious


擦鞋仔 flatterer, sycophant

注意: 香港廣東話 仲有一個更粗嘅講法, 就係"賴屎忽", 可以在另一 "post lick one's ass" 睇吓點翻譯.

瞓晏啲 sleep in

e.g. After this week's hard working, I will sleep in on Saturday


"to sleep late intentionally" Merriam Webster Dictionary

問米婆 spiritualist

e.g. Believe it or not, it was the spiritualist who helped police solve the mysterious murder case. 

哪西 sloppy

e.g. a sloppy worker.
      300 people were injured as a result of sloppy crowd control exercised by the police.

屎坑關刀 無樣利 jack of all trades

有兩個唔同嘅意味, 視乎上文下理

1.    一般是指, 通天曉, 樣樣識啲

       e.g. Her husband is a jack-of-all trades, doing a lot of DIY at home.

2.    有貶意, 尤其加上左 master of none 後面.
        e.g. Tom is a jack of all trades, but master of none. It may be the reason why he has not been promoted to manager yet. 


"The phrase is often changed to "a Jack of all trades, master of none". Meaning that the person completes multiple tasks but none are done very well. It is often used in a derogatory manner". (

檫鞋仔 bootlicker

1. sycophant
e.g. Our boss is surrounded by sycophants.
       Obama said journalists are skeptics, but not sycophants.

2. flatterer


"sycophant - (derog.) person who tries to gain people's favour by insincerely flattering them and always agreeing with them". Oxford Dictionary

喺度食 唔好喺度屙 Don't eat where you shit!

e.g. "I don't eat where I shit" says Jesse in Breaking Bad, Netflix.

唔知道係巧合, 定還是呢句香港俗語, 在美國 港人俗語文化影響到美國 (如果你知道, 來龍去脈 請分享給我們)


"The idiom 'don't sit/defecate where you eat' means:

One should not cause trouble in a place, group or situation in which one regularly finds oneself"

唔使諗 no-brainer/out of question

"唔使諗"主要有兩個意思 視乎上文下理

1.   好容易嘅決定  no-brainer

      e.g. HK$ 999 for an air ticket to Paris is a great deal. Just book it!  The deal is a no-brainer!

2.  唔可能 out of question

     e.g. Salary increase by the end of this year is out of question!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

煲帶, 追劇 binge-watch

e.g. She is going to binge-watch a Korean chick flick tonight.


"to watch several episodes of a television series or programme, one after one" Cambridge Dictionary


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

唔好睇佢 其實佢 ... may seem, but... is actually....

e.g. 你唔好睇佢份人.....,其實佢好......㗎
He may seem tough but she is actually vulnerable.

無啦啦 out of the blue / it comes from nowhere

"無啦啦", "無端端" ,"無端白事"的意思是無緣無故 冇理由

1.     out of the blue

       She called me out of the blue.

2.    come from no where

       I didn't expect the invitation. It really came from nowhere.

3.   unexpectedly

      I was offered a job unexpectedly.


1. (formal, derogative) gratuitous
e.g. A lot of viewers complained that there was too much violence in the movie.

2. uncalled for

仆街 motherfucker

"仆街"直譯: He/she trips and falls down on the street.

 香港人說"仆街"或PK, 表達的, 當然不是它的字面意思。

 "仆街"或PK有幾個意思, 視乎上文下理, 情況或者環境等等。

  以形容詞來說 其中一種,  意思是指某人的行為令人厭惡, 可憎的, 可以翻譯為
  •    despicable
  •    contemptible
  e.g. Her act is really despicable/contemptible.

以名詞來說, 意思是做了令人厭惡, 可憎的行為的人 。
  •  son of a bitch
  •  bastard
  •  asshole
  •  wanker
  •  motherfucker
我個人覺得, 要表達到廣東話那谷氣的level,最適當都是用 motherfucker.

 你地覺得點? 有冇更好嘅提議或者評語?