規避責任, 推卸責任的意思。
我認為 dodge responsibility 充分表達到廣東話推卸責任於其他人的含義。
"There's undoubtedly some truth to that, but it also sounds too much like Sanders dodging responsibility for not doing more to expand his support" says Salon.
(同義詞) shirk responsibility
(成語) pass the buck
"pass the buck to blame someone or make them responsible for a problem that you should deal with
She's always trying to pass the buck and I'm sick of it!"Cambridge Dictionary
"Poker became very popular in America during the second half of the 19th century. Players were highly suspicious of cheating or any form of bias and there's considerable folklore depicting gunslingers in shoot-outs based on accusations of dirty dealing. In order to avoid unfairness the deal changed hands during sessions. The person who was next in line to deal would be given a marker. This was often a knife, and knives often had handles made of buck's horn - hence the marker becoming known as a buck. When the dealer's turn was done he 'passed the buck'.
Silver dollars were later used as markers and some have speculated that this is the origin of the use of buck as a slang term for dollar, although there's no real evidence to support that.
The earliest citation that I can find of the literal use of the phrase in print is from the Weekly New Mexican, July 1865:
They draw at the commissary, and at poker after they have passed the 'buck'."
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